Minister Nathaniel Nangwang James Ramnan (NATHY) is a Nigerian Gospel Minister from Dadur in Langtang North LGA of Plateau State. But presently in Abuja to pursue his career in Music and Studies.

Nathy is an ardent member of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) LCC Kubwa, RCC Abuja, where he fervently participates in worship and communal spiritual growth.

Deeply rooted in his faith, Nathy has not only found solace but also a thriving platform to express his musical talents.

Zama Cikin Tsarki (Living in Holiness) is a song he wrote and sang featuring Mr Sheks JP.

The Song title happens to be the Church theme for the year 2024. Living in Holiness; which is the state of being saintly, dedicated and set apart for religious purposes.


To be holy means to separate oneself from the world and draw close to God, living as He wants us to live.

The song’s thematic core delves into the profound concept that holiness entails: the act of consecrating oneself, a deliberate departure from worldly influences, and a deliberate closeness to the divine.

To live in holiness, as depicted in the musical creation by Music Minister Nathy and Mr Sheks JP, is to adhere to a lifestyle that mirrors the desires of the Creator – a commitment to embodying the virtues and principles that define a sacred existence.

It is an invitation to step away from the ordinary and embrace a life shaped by divine guidance and spiritual devotion.

Through the harmonious blend of music and profound lyrics, Min. Nathy and Mr Sheks JP invite listeners to reflect on the transformative power of living in holiness, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those who resonate with their spiritual message.

Access this transformative composition on this platform, Morrebs Music. Let the captivating rhythms and meaningful verses serve as an enabler for spiritual elevation and personal growth.

Join us in spreading the message of living in holiness by listening, downloading and sharing. Together, let’s create a harmonious symphony of faith and devotion.


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